This puts 9,713 seats out of service, leaving the stadium with 67,164 seats per home game.
This left the government with just 24 seats in a house of 50.
The Conservatives held their ground, losing only 98 seats, leaving them with 10,447 seats.
Defections to the government left the party with 19 seats.
In the subsequent 1982 general election, D66 lost two-thirds of its support, and was left with only six seats.
In the 1918 elections the party is left with three seats.
In the 2003 general election the party lost an additional seat, and was left with three seats.
This result left them with only 3 seats at County Hall.
The departure of the two politicians leaves the alliance with just 138 seats in the 275-member assembly, barely a majority.
It subsequently left with 11 empty seats and 8 of us at the gate.