She has lectured in 40 countries and written more than 70 articles.
Yoffie has also lectured and consulted in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Greene often lectures outside of the collegiate setting, at both a general and a technical level, in more than twenty-five countries.
In addition to critical writing, he has lectured in fifty-two countries on green topics since 1969.
King has addressed conferences and lectured on corporate issues in 38 countries.
She has lectured across the United States and in more than thirty other countries.
He has lectured in more than 60 countries, advised government officials on a variety of issues, consulted for international organizations, and published widely.
Bandeira has been invited to lecture in many countries around the world.
She has also lectured in 19 foreign countries and conducted summer science training programs at both the high school and college levels.
He travelled extensively throughout the world, lecturing in over 80 countries.