It emphasises workplace activity and places less emphasis than other left groups on struggles outside work.
As a result, most De Leonist parties have become small, and isolated from other left groups.
United university degree for all students: One of the main disagreements with other left groups is their support of united academic degrees.
Facing Reality was a radical left group in the United States which existed from about 1962 until 1970.
The left group, including the van, broke the Witch-king's right wing.
Along with a range of other left groups, they also had a presence at the Occupy Melbourne protests.
Many leaders of the left group were arrested with the support of the leadership of the party.
This was used by the left group to beat the right.
The term is also used today for mutual entryism or cooperation between left and right-wing groups.
The left group of the premises of three rooms has individual entrance in the main façade.