It is only 37 pages long - text on the left page, pictures on the right, 380 words in all.
The left page is dominated by white space, with a small image of a household product, like a refrigerator, positioned in the middle.
The left page is dominated by white space, with a small image of a commodity product, like eye drops, in the center.
His holy symbol is an open book with a bookmark running down the left page.
It was halfway down the left page, and consisted of a few characters, a couple of words, maybe.
The reader looks at the photo on the left page and measures the author's response on the right, meanwhile living through trying moments in history.
On the left page, he saw a list of names, none of which were familiar.
Very gently she opened the book for him, and turned to the first pair of color pictures, one filling the left page, the other the right.
On the left page is a mother duck and a Quacker lookalike.
Jerry angrily walks over and points at the left page as if to say "This is your mother, duck!"