The left-right political spectrum is a system of classifying political positions, ideologies and parties.
The right mostly denied that the left-right spectrum was meaningful because they saw it as artificial and damaging to unity.
But his candidacy is a useful reminder that American politics doesn't always fit neatly on a left-right spectrum.
The problem is that the left-right spectrum no longer works.
The level of protection of the environment from the different political parties varies according to their position on the left-right political spectrum.
So where do the Democratic nominees really fit along the left-right spectrum?
For this reason, the party believes that it is not easily pinpointed on the traditional left-right political spectrum in Swedish politics.
Binary economics is a minority discipline, hard to place on the left-right spectrum.
A person who follows the philosophies of centrism is a moderate on the left-right spectrum.
Politics that rejects the conventional left-right spectrum is known as syncretic politics.