He still faces trials on corruption charges but blames a broad left-wing conspiracy for his legal troubles.
And it made me see why the Tories think the media is one big left-wing conspiracy.
Or is it all part of a vast left-wing conspiracy?
The Government always said that the students were part of an international left-wing conspiracy and began the shooting by firing on the soldiers.
Or is this alleged right-wing conspiracy an invention of a left-wing conspiracy?
I thought they were a vast left-wing conspiracy or something.
It's important to know, too, that there isn't a well-orchestrated, vast left-wing conspiracy in America's newsrooms.
"Do you mean, is there a vast left-wing conspiracy?"
He views all attacks and criminal charges as part of a vast left-wing conspiracy to bring him down.
These organizations ostensibly work in cahoots and march to the drumbeat of a vast left-wing conspiracy.