Suzy's legs disappeared inside the driver's window at the same time as the side door slid open and the interior light came on.
Imagine a nightmare of a world in which all three legs on this stool disappear.
As the main character takes damage during the game, the characters arms and legs will disappear one by one.
Bolan turned and peered up in time to see the Russian woman's legs disappear into the window.
He saw the legs of D disappear upward and waited two minutes, then stepped into the lift again.
Her legs were disappearing into the silver wall, now her waist, arms.
War's legs and lower torso still clinging to it, and disappeared.
Its owner's legs were disappearing over the edge of the road towards the irrigation ditch.
Then, with a loud boom, the buttocks got through and the legs disappeared as if shot from a gun.
Each time he dropped a knee to the ground to initiate a turn, his legs nearly disappeared in the snow.