There was a weight on his chest and his leg ended in a sensation of wrongness.
The first leg ended in a draw 12-12 with no tries scored and every point on the board put up by penalty kicks.
His two front legs ended in clawlike feet, also like that bird of prey.
Short thick legs ended in broad pads that made possible passage through the swamp.
Another walk down another long corridor on tired legs ended with the eleven lined up before yet another door.
The alien was roughly human in shape: two arms with four-fingered hands, although its four short legs ended in soft hoofs.
One of her legs ended in a carved wooden peg.
A 3-1 home victory was enough to win the NASL championship after the second leg ended in 0-0 draw.
Newcastle won the cup with a 4-1 second leg victory over Watford after the first leg ended in a goalless draw.
Its two pink legs ended in four toes, all pointing forward with only a suggestion of balancing heel.