Leg care includes depilation via either shaving or waxing followed by granular exfoliation, application of moisturizing creams, and a brief leg massage.
Knock on her door at 3 a.m. for a leg massage and I swear she would get up and do it for you, though she might swear a little under her breath!
"I am not going to accept anything less," he said while receiving a leg massage on a cot in an old Chevy van that serves as the E.R.
Then a team of paramedics, and Korda, rushed to assist the fallen player with ice and cold towels and a belated leg massage.
It's more expensive than most - a pedicure with leg massage costs €50, a manicure is €25 - but you'll feel like Sophia Loren.
Professional cyclists also receive regular leg massages, and the absence of hair reduces the friction and increases their comfort and effectiveness.
You have a nice foot and leg massage, which really does make you feel nice.
She gave me a lovely little leg massage on her way to you.
She gathered up clean clothes, and then had a long soak and a brisk leg massage before the eve-ning meal.
Proceedings are over by 8.30pm, leaving you plenty of time for reviving leg massages before midnight.