The legs unfolded, claws snatching, and suddenly two great membranous wings emerged from the side slits behind the legs.
He let his legs unfold and straightened them gingerly before him.
Although his arms and legs had unfolded from around his body, their movements were listless and limited.
Slowly the pantograph arms and legs unfolded and moved into position.
Its huge wide legs unfolded and one flap heaved it into the air.
Minck rose, his legs unfolding like a crane's.
She was lifted from the floor where she had knelt, her arms stretching out at her sides as her legs unfolded.
Kulyagin stood up, his legs unfolding with a fluidity which somehow belied the stolidness of his appearance.
The tour's two-year length, then U2's longest, exhausted the band as the final legs unfolded.
His legs had unfolded and he stood in midair, his arms curled at his sides.