After more than a year of stalled negotiations and legal clashes, the National Basketball Association and the players' union yesterday announced an unexpected agreement on a new six-year contract.
After resulting legal clashes, Rodgers' son Stephen surrendered all inheritance left to him by his father, and purchased the agency from the estate in 1988.
But the voluminous material confirmed the White House scandal as a heated farrago of personal, legal and political clashes that has put Mr. Clinton's incumbency at risk.
With the recent legal clash, Microsoft has come under fire from the secular world as well, as people in Redmond sometimes refer to the nondigital.
Sitting incommunicado in his windowless cell, he has inadvertently emerged as a central figure in a classic legal clash between national security and civil liberties.
It would amount to another legal clash over allegations that a 'shoot to kill' policy has been in force against the IRA.
The Wall Street Journal noted that the legal clash is just one of many as media companies seek to control how viewers access TV content online.
"She never sleeps," Mr. Sansom declared in a battle-weary compliment to Ms. Ely after years of earlier legal clashes over mining rights.
The legal clash over the demand for documents was the case considered by the ECtHR.
The legal clash between the book copy and the searchable Web promises to be a long one.