Second - the comments from various people that the non-availability of legal content is a big part of the problem.
Many countries have tried user education and promoting legal content, but France's sanctions are almost unique.
These companies offering legal content generally fall into three categories:
In fact, the resolution spends more time talking about the need for rightsholders to offer better access to legal content.
Industry experts also caution that providing legal content for the devices is and will continue to be a major obstacle.
In particular, when legal content must be conveyed to nonlawyers, formality should give way to clear communication.
Massachusetts elder law draws on both federal and State law for its legal content.
This rationalization is of dubious ethical and legal content.
The second, even more basic, complexity resides in determining which verses have legal content.
I have nothing against this as such, since the legal content of the text has been much improved.