All I'm hearing is nonsense about legal contortions and antics that don't interest me that can be dragged out to divert attention from the real issue forever.
The case had all the street violence and legal contortions of a "Law and Order" episode.
But the entertainment industry may be showing more courage than those who would shift the debate to Mr. Clinton's right to privacy, policy initiatives or legal contortions.
To the Editor: "Haiti, After Six Months" (editorial, March 31) states, "the refugee issue that drove two Administrations into legal contortions has been temporarily resolved."
General Contreras's legal contortions would have been comical had they not received the support and collaboration of the Chilean military, still led by General Pinochet.
In national courts, there are generally legal contortions and the strong suspicion of a partisan political agenda.
Mr. Specter's brief, perhaps inadvertently, captures the legal and political contortions that have brought the debate over Guantánamo back to the Supreme Court's door.
Attempts to satisfy that requirement of neutrality may have caused Justice Thomas to modify his earlier views, and both sides in the case were certainly forced into some legal contortions.
She thought he was after Brianna's presumed inheritance, and was warning him not to resort to any legal contortions to get it.
An N.R.C. spokesman, Bob Newlin, said, "The idea is that we don't get entangled in the legal contortions of localities, but it is nothing final."