The farmers are hard put to make a living, because they have no roads to carry legal crops to market.
Officials estimate that 9,000 families in the Chapare are growing legal crops, compared with only 5,000 in 1992.
So how are you going to make sure that the peasants in these areas will be able to grow legal crops after a spraying?
Its effects on legal crops and effectiveness in fighting the war on drugs have been disputed.
Since the economy doesn't support the growth of legal crops, there won't be a change in the production of cocaine.
This, in turn, would allow the government to attack coca fields directly and help farmers make the shift to legal crops.
This is, after all, an agricultural market and is subject to the same economic laws that govern markets for legal crops.
Instead, they call for increased aid from the United States to help peasants switch to a legal crop.
"It's insulting and I'm tired of us getting put down when we are doing honest work growing a legal crop."
There's no legal crop that would let us compete with the house development value of our land, so we can't afford to buy more land.