But underlying the legal feud is a cultural rift between the coasts.
Lane's remark was prompted by a bitter legal feud he then had with Grenville.
What local family was rocked by a $225 million legal feud?
Then there is the long-running legal feud with eBay.
He and Muldoon had a big legal feud, where Muldoon unsuccessfully sued Jones for defamation.
The cornerstone of that plan is a $3 billion settlement of the long-running legal feud between Texaco and the Pennzoil Company.
For more than three years, a bitter legal feud raged between the former friends.
At stake in the legal feud had been control of the fast-growing market for computerized legal research used by lawyers, judges, academics and students.
The halakhic debate quickly descended into a fierce and raging legal feud which eventually came to include halakhic giants from Safed and Thessaloniki.
In recent years Izawa has been mostly known for his legal feuds with Igarashi for publishing rights to produce merchandise of the Lady Georgie!