In the no-holds-barred days of the 1950s and 60s, some tabloids realized that they could write pretty much anything about anyone with little fear of legal retribution.
When it comes to the truly outrageous stories in tabloids like the Weekly World News, there is little fear of legal retribution.
The threat of legal retribution may be improving their vision.
"To report them, to engage in the process of trying to receive legal retribution, is to relive them," Mr. Hunt said of his experiences.
I'm afraid that the desire to continue treatment under what may appear to be futile circumstances is governed more by the fear of legal retribution than the profit motive.
They embarked, and so for ever got the start of their former captain, had he been at all minded to work them legal retribution.
She was spared legal retribution through the intervention of Anne Colleton, a political rival and estranged lover of Kimball's.
He considered that the hangman was the last link in what he called the "chain of legal retribution".
But none of that deters Ogre, a 28-year-old who goes by that screen name and declined to give his real one for fear of legal retribution.
"But we need the freedom to openly criticize without fear of legal retribution."