Although we know from the start that its technological protagonist-the ballpoint pen-will triumph, we find ourselves repeatedly surprised by the story's unfolding episodes of international intrigue, financial deception, and legal shenanigans.
Suggest starting with the Obama healthcare plan - there are so many loopholes and legal shenanigans in that thing which will put we citizens in danger of losing what freedoms we have... and not only in the healthcare field!
He says "Microsoft itself represents a grave threat to the future of software development through its increasing inclination to stifle competition through legal shenanigans."
Collective defiance is an effective weapon against unjust legal shenanigans.
SCO's protracted legal shenanigan has been running for roughly five years now.
It appears that Mr. Carter would be better off spending his time getting his team ready for the playoffs than pursuing these legal shenanigans.
Their only hope for survival is legal shenanigans.
Never mind the legal shenanigans, Delos.
Cue for bitter legal shenanigans, exacerbated by power changes at Westminster.