The prosecution's position was the latest move in the legal skirmishing preceding the second trial, for which a date has not been set.
But preparations have been marred by legal skirmishing and violent power struggles.
Less noticed is the protracted legal skirmishing over the company's treatment of its warrant-holders.
Since that time, she has won the legal skirmishing, but has been impeded by obstruction on the part of the government.
But after some early legal skirmishing, several of the territory's leading lawyers suddenly entered to argue on behalf of the defense against the Government.
After a final flurry of legal skirmishing, Philip was returned to the Whites.
After much legal skirmishing, Judge Carey decided to admit the glove into evidence.
The first battle in the legal skirmishing ended in uncertainy yesterday morning.
Just as the legal skirmishing goes on, so does the investigation.
The state's effort to terminate the birth mother's parental rights, which goes to court next month, has already seen its share of legal skirmishing.