The players association has resisted a ban on legal supplements, but it has not washed its hands of any potential problem with some of those supplements.
If white men can't jump, they can do androstenedione, a legal supplement that boosts the hormone pumpers.
Vitamin B12 is a legal supplement.
Some people take legal dietary supplements that have certain steroid hormones also made by the human body.
He has attributed his increased bulk to weight lifting, nutrition and the use of legal supplements.
Also, the statement pointed out that certain legal supplements that were available over the counter at the time could possibly cause a positive test result.
He acknowledged a boost from the legal supplement that so stimulates natural testosterone production that some doctors consider it a steroid.
The athletes take all sorts of legal dietary supplements, from amino acids to proteins, to help gain strength.
He has attributed his weight gain to nutrition, weight-lifting and the use of legal supplements.
General Manager Brian Cashman acknowledged that the Yankees could do nothing to prevent players from using legal supplements.