The longevity bonus is also being phased out after a legal tussle over residency requirements.
The slippage began less than a month later, with a complicated legal tussle over seventeen Gitmo prisoners.
The legal tussle, which appears to be headed to trial, is getting ugly.
A legal tussle had turned into a street fight over the sounds of summer.
In part, she said, those difficulties stem from legal tussles over rights to projects whose creators may be long dead.
Thus the legal tussle turned into a standard business-defamation trial, with a higher burden of proof for the plaintiffs.
What little money has been recovered remains the subject of a legal tussle in the courts which may yet take months to resolve.
Despite the legal tussles, the profits rolled in.
But their testimony had hardly begun when it created an unusual and intriguing legal tussle.
Workouts do the same, but with much less legal tussle.