To say: No, we do not pump money into a system of legalized discrimination.
Once released from prison, new members of this undercast face a "hidden underworld of legalized discrimination and permanent social exclusion."
The law was part of a wave of legalized discrimination against Asian immigrants that swept across the nation nearly 150 years ago.
They feel that equal opportunity legislation violates associative rights, and that hate crime laws promotes legalized discrimination against the victims of some violent crimes in favor of others.
Thus, in the view of many supporters of this approach-including members of other English-only advocacy groups-the move to make English the only official language can have benefits for non-English speakers, and is not a form of legalized discrimination.
Although several church spokesmen welcomed parts of the Government decree, some said they remain concerned about the automatic expulsion of immigrants charged with crimes, which they feared would amount to legalized discrimination.
With the successes of the civil rights movement, a new term was needed to break from the past and help shed the reminders of legalized discrimination.
UNAIDS representatives for Jamaica, describe these laws and repeated blind-eye towards homophobic violence as "legalized discrimination" and points out how they have driven the epidemic further underground, making access to treatment and outreach more difficult.
The finding contributed to 58 more years of legalized discrimination against black and colored people in the United States.