As the Australian colonies enacted British laws, it raised the question of whether New South Wales could legally exclude citizens of the Chinese Empire.
"It's indecent, but I can't legally exclude them."
Brown said that one type of patent - "beneficiary use and enjoyment" - specifically and legally excludes the public.
Q. You have acknowledged that the Simond family has traced its ancestry to the Mashantucket Pequot's 1857 tribal list, but you have also said the tribe's constitution legally excludes the family's membership.
THE 1935 Nuremberg Laws of Hitler's Germany surely rank among the most chilling documents of the 20th century: By legally excluding Jews from German life, they helped set the Holocaust in motion.
The state governments were therefore able to legally exclude persons from holding public offices on religious grounds.
Rather, it will simply allow Beijing to legally exclude American companies from the trade liberalization measures it is required to set up upon entering the trade body.
Himmelstein added that as a trade association, the AIC cannot legally exclude anyone who seeks membership, and must accept all applicants willing to pay the annual dues of $75.