These are issues for brave men of the sword such as the valiant kings of Esperana and their legendary Horsemen.
But on a recent day they were finishing a monthlong location shoot outdoors on private English grounds that had been transformed into the fearsome (and rain-soaked) turf of Irving's legendary Headless Horseman.
And a candy ad poses the decapitated head of the legendary Headless Horseman beside a bowl filled with Pumpkin Patch Mix M&Ms. "The vampires and witches have resurfaced," said J. Walker Smith, president at Yankelovich Partners, the market research company.
During his journey home, Ichabod encounters another traveler, who is eventually revealed to be the legendary Headless Horseman; the ghost of a Hessian soldier who was decapitated by a cannonball during the American Revolutionary War.
The Giants defeated the Notre Dame All-Stars, which included the legendary Four Horsemen.
A member of the legendary Four Horsemen sound poetry quartet (1970-1988), along with Rafael Barreto-Rivera, Steve McCaffery, and the late bpNichol, Dutton joined his soundsinging oralities and harmonica-playing to John Oswald's alto sax and Michael Snow's piano and synthesizer in the free-improvisation band CCMC (1989 to the present).
The legendary Headless Horseman shows up at a Halloween party.
Harry Stuhldreher, who went on to be one of Notre Dame's legendary Four Horsemen, was then the high school quarterback.
In Darksiders, the player takes on the role of War, one of the four legendary Horsemen of the apocalypse.