Hamilton became an archaeologist, and found the burial site of his legendary ancestor.
They were the kind of people he just knew his legendary ancestors would have approved of, while he very definitely was not.
He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting to find at his ancestor's legendary Last Standing, but this wasn't it.
The cold made Con reflect that her life had become even harder than her legendary ancestor's.
But you can't feel guilty about everything the Empire did in the name of your legendary ancestor.
Brett couldn't help wondering what his legendary ancestors would have made of him.
Karlan, the fourth legendary ancestor, is wrongly attributed as Qais's fourth son.
The expansion of family trees to include heroic or legendary ancestors was used to boost social status and amass personal finances.
It was his grandmother that gave him the name Xwechtáal ("the Serpent Slayer"), passed down from a legendary ancestor.
Every Spring, the city hosts a ceremony honoring Huangdi, the legendary ancestor of the Chinese nation.