Skull One was large and round and looked as if it might once have belonged to the legendary bandit.
The novel describes the life of a legendary bandit named Joaquín Murieta who, once a dignified citizen of Mexico, becomes corrupt after traveling to California during the Gold Rush.
They stop to sit at the beach and decide to leave town the next day, forever roaming across the country as legendary bandits.
Having fallen in love with Ibronka, who is not of his House, Piro has become a legendary bandit dubbed the Blue Fox.
One is a video documentary on Tiburcio Vasquez the legendary bandit of 1800's California.
Sándor Rózsa, the legendary Hungarian bandit was born here in 1813.
For many months, ever since the legendary bandits had rescued him from certain death in the desert, Aziz had been thinking about life among the outlaws.
Posters tell of prisoners from the legendary bandit John Wesley Hardin to the singer David Crosby, who served time here on drug charges.
The legendary bandits Hekimoğlu, murdered in 1910, and Soytaroğlu.
Don Coutinho, unaware that he is dealing with the legendary bandit, hires da Silva to oversee the slaves on his sugar plantation.