The position provided Barrington-Ward with valuable experience in the management and operations of a newspaper, and he developed a close friendship with the legendary editor.
Even younger staff members knew, for instance, of the legendary editor who could decipher Einstein equations and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Maxwell wrote novels and short stories, and was for many years a legendary editor at The New Yorker.
Fleur Cowles, the legendary editor of the legendary Flair magazine, is very, very good at meeting people.
He was imparted the basic lessons in journalism under the watchful eyes of legendary editor, S N Ghosh.
In my 20's, I worked for Charlie Peters, the legendary editor of The Washington Monthly.
"Pattern," her first novel, also captivated Maxwell Perkins, the legendary editor at Scribner's, which published it in 1925.
William Shawn, the legendary editor of The New Yorker, also loved this city, even though it challenged him as a claustrophobe.
He was also a legendary editor, mentoring generations of young reporters in how to write crisp, direct, and entertaining stories.
Because she had been deaf since 1990, all questions had to be written; because of her status as a legendary editor, spelling counted.