The 30-minute documentary, on Channel 13 at 9:30 tonight, memorializes a legendary entertainer.
Recent celebs (as well as some legendary entertainers) have also seen their nuptials go through the magnifying glass of a skeptical public.
The elder Mr. Forbes, a ubiquitous restaurantgoer and legendary entertainer did not inherit his love for good food from his father.
During the course of his career under canvas, the legendary entertainer performed before millions of circus fans throughout the United States of America.
But for the underprivileged, who haven't a clue about the legendary entertainer, there will soon be a pleasant way to find out.
A spokesperson for the legendary entertainer explained to the Associated Press that Nelson decided to lose his signature style a couple of weeks ago.
There, he met the legendary entertainer Josephine Baker, who became his unofficial adoptive mother and encouraged him to learn English.
Despite the controversies, he was a legendary entertainer.
Conservative leader David Cameron described Jackson as "a legendary entertainer".
CNN described the legendary entertainer as "a one-man cottage industry for the legal profession".