Perhaps what made his exploits even more legendary was the fact that on numerous occasions the criminal charges that were filed against him never stuck.
Christopher Sim continued to perform legendary exploits.
There were fine-lined drawings other exploits, both factual and legendary, traced in bronze on the balustrade.
For those legendary exploits, he was a hero to the English.
Several smugglers gasped, for even those who had not served with Dominic Vernius knew of his legendary exploits.
The legendary exploits of this branch lives on in literature and early films.
He was an outstanding baseball player at Navy, but his legendary exploits occurred on the football field.
He was a legendary person, I heard opinions of him as a skillful commandant, about his legendary exploits during the war".
Roxane had told him he was the son of the world's most powerful king; Kebes related the legendary exploits.
I read about his legendary - heroic - exploits off the diamond, too.