In late 1984, Rogers went to World Class Championship Wrestling where he and Bobby Fulton and continued their legendary feud with the Midnight Express.
During his time in Promo Azteca, he had a legendary feud with Super Crazy.
One of the most legendary feuds in the Pacific Northwest pitted Rose against "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.
He also resumed legendary feud with Iceman King Parsons, in which his wife Toni was Parsons' manager.
But then he began what became a legendary feud with Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona.
On the set, the legendary feuds between Barbra Streisand and Walter Matthau were hotting up.
They also started a legendary feud with the Rock 'n' Roll Express that carried over into the NWA's Jim Crockett Promotions in 1985.
A legendary feud between two vintage jewelry dealers, who worked on opposite ends of a table in the cafeteria, lasted two years.
His legendary feud with the British actor William Charles Macready helped spark the deadly Astor Place Riot of 1849.
The three sisters are Irish Catholics from Long Island with a family history of legendary feuds but few other connections to their past.