Yet Agarwalla was looking for a woman to play Joymoti, the legendary Assamese heroine and martyr.
However, the 1925 celebration for Therese "far outshone" that for the legendary heroine of France.
She Saihua (佘賽花) is a legendary heroine from ancient China's Northern Song Dynasty.
She encouraged the women of Bavaria to support the soldiers by providing food and clothes for them with references to legendary heroines and visited wounded soldiers.
The short play Judith revolves around the Biblical story of Judith, the legendary heroine who decapitated the invading general Holofernes.
According to one source, he was the brother of the legendary heroine of Cowpens, Kate Barry.
According to tradition, Lucretia, legendary heroine of ancient Rome, was raped by Sextus Tarquinius.
Of course she did-especially to a man who compared her to warrior queens and legendary heroines.
This was Hatty Jones, a previously unknown 9-year-old London schoolgirl who is starring as the legendary heroine.
Githzerai history was the same as githyanki history until shortly after the ancient illithid empire was thrown down under the leadership of the legendary heroine, Gith.