One of the things we did was look at what made people love this street, the legendary place with fables and stories.
It was the only way the legendary place could have been hidden.
By doing so, critics say, Mr. Dunn is following a poetic tradition of writing about a legendary place.
Recently some valuable antiques are also found in this place,which bear the attractive history of this legendary place.
So a sea-route was open to the grasslands and islands, the legendary places on the far side of the continent.
Because some consider the term "midget" to be offensive, these real or legendary places are also sometimes called "tiny towns."
For better and worse, the lost city has the widespread appeal of a legendary place.
Both of them needed to prove their connection to the senior line and connect back to a wahi pana (legendary place).
Fiddler's Green, a legendary place in the afterlife where existence consists of all leisure and no work.
They're all at the center of some of the most legendary - and controversial - places in the world.