A complete inventory of photographs taken by Kris Studios, a legendary publisher of physique photographs in the 1950s also resides at the LA&M.
A notable example was the legendary German publisher Heinrich Maria Ledig-Rowohlt, who died this month at age 83.
Morris is not related to the writer Mary McGarry Morris, though she is related to the legendary publisher of the Grove Press, Barney Rosset.
When William Shawn, its legendary publisher, left, Mr. Newhouse personally answered 600 letters from disgruntled readers.
Dies at 85 William Randolph Hearst Jr., a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the son of the legendary publisher, died in Manhattan.
And taken all together, such legendary publishers never constituted more than a tiny band.
Then in 2001 they signed a five album deal with Albert Productions, the legendary Australian publisher of AC/DC.
"When I started, I contacted Alfred A. Knopf," said Mr. Smith, speaking of the legendary publisher.
Mr. Johnson appeared to be impressed this year when a memorial service for the paper's legendary publisher, Otis Chandler, brought together an array of current and former Times employees, many of them luminaries in the newspaper industry.
The publishing company was founded by "legendary" publisher Bert Bakker, who was succeeded by his nephew, also named Bert Bakker, in 1969.