Bird, now 59, will be one match short of the legendary Frank Chester's record of 48 Tests.
Nor can it be questioned from what stands on legendary record of .
His amazing 325 career victories surpassed the legendary George Halas's record of 324 wins.
Nonetheless, based on legendary records, he is assumed to have been an astute, intelligent, and significant figure.
Great attention was dedicated to the visual image of the products as those legendary record and CD covers were always designed by the best experts.
With this achievement he took over Henk Visser's legendary Dutch record of 7.98, set in 1956.
Maris's home run mark is not the only legendary record being stalked.
The temple poojas, offerings and festivals are conducted based on legendary and historical records.
It was the eighth album released by Pink Floyd, and became one of the most legendary records of all time.
Has also broken the legendary Malcolm Cooper's record in 50m rifle three positions, set in 1989.