The Doctor, a medical man-about-town based in the French Quarter and often found at the legendary Galatoire's restaurant.
He spent five years at the legendary restaurant, Girardet, a place he described as "very tough, precise, and enormously pressured."
One client is Rao's, the legendary (and legendarily hard to get into) restaurant in East Harlem.
And Sylvia's, the legendary soul-food restaurant that is one of Ms. Angelou's favorite spots, is not far.
The building was abandoned in 1982, when the legendary Luchow's restaurant moved to midtown.
The legendary restaurant, at the corner of Routes 25A and 106 in East Norwich, will rise again.
But when Ark decided to close the legendary restaurant for good last February, the Soltners realized it was time to move on.
Thus, almost imperceptibly, does a famous landmark pass from legendary restaurant to monument historique, as the French call it.
The next stop was Sushi Nozawa, a locally legendary restaurant in a strip mall in the Valley.
- Don and Faye go to La Caravelle, the legendary French restaurant which closed in 2004.