George Jones has met every requirement for legendary stature in country music.
Still, his legendary stature remains hard to account for (Johnson).
And, lest we forget the legendary stature of the photographer, a series of black-and-white images zero in on one or both of Mr. Reed's eyes.
He has now become a hero of legendary stature.
After breaking through the siege of the monastery Andranik gained legendary stature among provincial Armenians.
Since his death, Gainsbourg's music has reached legendary stature in France.
After breaking out of the Arakelots Monastery Andranik gained legendary stature among provincial Armenians.
This increased the legendary stature of the place among the subject human peoples, since it produced still voluble, if often permanently inarticulate, survivors.
The legendary stature achieved by Fabris in his lifetime accounts for the many anecdotes about him still circulating today.
And the mechanics - at least those who attain legendary stature - respond in turn with humane prices, rock-solid integrity and, frequently, a sense of humor.