He had gone through several parchments before he could write anything resembling legible text, and the librarians were not happy with him.
In between are a quick and uninterrupted series of pictures that show information such as photos, documents and legible text related to the data.
This alliance eventually led to the combined defeat of Naranjo, which is mentioned later in the legible text.
Having it written in legible text, in the doctor's handwriting, and without "abbreviations or medical jargon".
Thus, the facsimile, as published in 1909, provides the most legible text.
Instead of starting a campaign to promote its cause, Lighthouse prepared pamphlets that seek to demonstrate how contrasting colors and more legible text can benefit readers.
The upper text, clearly legible, consists of commonplace instructions for conducting religious rites, like marriages and exorcisms.
The home television screen is not an ideal medium for displaying legible text, especially after it has been taped off a computer monitor.
At low screen resolutions, hinting is critical for producing clear, legible text.
Fischer Fischer does not believe the legible text to be genuine, and was unable to transcribe the underlying text.