Senior Administration officials met with Senate Republicans tonight in a last-ditch attempt to reach an agreement on legislation overhauling the nation's financial system.
That was the case in 1985 on legislation overhauling the income tax system and in 1990 on a deficit-reduction package.
Since 1996, when the federal rules known as charitable choice were passed as part of the legislation overhauling welfare, states have been required to make it easier for religious groups to win contracts to run social service programs.
In recent legislation overhauling corporate governance and accounting oversight, Congress ordered the commission to adopt rules addressing conflicts of interest involving analysts, investment banks and clients.
The Assembly and the Senate agreed to revise legislation overhauling the budget process, which they had announced on March 31, hours before they missed the state budget deadline for the 20th year in a row.
"The Head Start providers have lobbied it very well, and we are making these accommodations," said Michael N. Castle, the Delaware Republican who sponsored the legislation overhauling what he acknowledged was "a very popular program."
Last year, the House and Senate adopted competing legislation overhauling the bankruptcy system.
Republicans pledged to take up legislation overhauling the lobbying, campaign spending and Congressional ethics laws - all Democratic priorities - "fairly quickly," Mr. Gingrich said.
During the 111th Congress, I voted to pass the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, historic legislation overhauling our nation's broken health-care system.
The Senate gave final approval to legislation overhauling the I.R.S., voting 96-2 to impose the most sweeping shake-up in decades on the tax-collection agency's management and culture.