In this position, he provided legal expertise to the Committee's Ranking Member on legislation and issues related to the Western Hemisphere, foreign assistance, and non-military security assistance.
The United Nations special rapporteur has sent a questionnaire to all member states asking them to report on legislations and practices related to artistic freedom and censorship.
He was responsible for measures such as organizing the Industrial Exhibition, carrying out industrial statistics, and unifying legislation related to the industry.
The amount of proposed regulatory legislation related to hydraulic fracturing has dramatically increased within state legislatures since 2005.
Enables secondary legislation related to the Mayor's planning powers.
As well, all provisions of a statute or any other legislation related to marriage or spouses apply to registered partnerships and partners, except as under sections 3-4.
With recent effective legislations related to performance shift payment incentives, CDSS are appealing as more attractive.
Other work by Newman included federal legislation related to the human rights campaign by President Jimmy Carter.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee has jurisdiction and oversight over legislation and investigations related to the foreign affairs of the United States.
Other significant legislation related to the Department of Defense includes: