The group charges that the legislation would violate its free-speech rights.
Careful legislation could persuade the Supreme Court to think again about its 1976 decision that limits on political spending violate constitutional guarantees of free speech.
The United States contends that the legislation in its current form violates the North American and world trade agreements.
He said such legislation would violate the treaty with the United Nations.
The tribunal held that the legislation did not violate Law's rights.
These groups say such legislation violates the privacy of birth mothers, who gave up their children under what they thought was anonymity.
Neither legislation nor H.M.O. contracts should violate the patient's right to hear the whole truth about care.
Finally, in prohibiting Federal courts from gathering facts about certain constitutional claims, the legislation again violates due process guarantees.
But an official in the office said today that the new legislation did not violate Federal guidelines.