Political legitimacy is considered a basic condition for governing, without which a government will suffer legislative deadlock(s) and collapse.
The result will most likely be legislative deadlock on reforming the country's economy and reaching a national consensus on regional and ideological differences.
On the other hand, continual legislative deadlock between English and French led to a movement to replace unitary government with a federal one.
Thus ended the longest legislative deadlock in New York history after 74 days.
It died in legislative deadlock.
Indeed, all three newly elected MPs joined the government and thereby ended the legislative deadlock.
That opened the door for an individual or interest group to seek a court ruling that the legislative deadlock has threatened the electoral process.
Statesmen at both the federal and state level sought to break the legislative deadlock over "assumption" and "residence" through unofficial negotiations.
The union proved contentious, however, resulting in a legislative deadlock between English and French legislators.
Breaking the legislative deadlock will require considerable work.