We are afraid to trust the legislative department of the government and therefore we put it under the care of the governor.
The Court found that "[t]he Congress is the legislative department of the government; the President is the executive department.
His mother is the director of the legislative department of the Licensing Chamber, a Federal agency that grants licenses to businesses, in Kiev.
At first, the government had only three departments, administrative, financial and legislative.
"I made it a point not to work in the legislative department," Ms. AuCoin said.
But when he participates in the action of the executive or legislative departments of government he is without those supports.
From 1985, he worked as the head of a legislative department of the Czechoslovak federal government.
To give or to make the law; the function and prerogative of the legislative department.
The Council President serves as the official head of the City's legislative department.
Sherrill's report pointed out that the goal of Congress was to restore the Mall to its original status as a park connection between the legislative and executive departments.