Failure to hold sufficient legislative hearings has little to do with what is happening in Michigan.
It was the largest turnout ever for a legislative hearing.
At legislative hearings in the state senate, more than 20 individuals testified for three and a half hours about the merits of the bill.
"Please let me alone," he said to photographers the other day, waving them away at a legislative hearing.
Committees hold legislative hearings on measures or policy issues that may become public law.
Often, he can be seen observing at news conferences or attending legislative hearings.
At best, business leaders asked in a legislative hearing, what difference could California's cuts make?
Earlier this year, division officials told a legislative hearing that such operations violate Federal law.
At a legislative hearing, the Mayor said that under the proposed budget, the disparity would actually increase.
The next step will include legislative hearings, which could be a magnet for opponents.