Senators are forbidden by law from having outside earned income or their legislative pay is otherwise docked.
But making sure that judicial pay is not held hostage to legislative pay is clearly the right thing to do.
To the Editor: Your Sept. 30 editorial on a legislative pay raise was right on the nose - it just needs to go another step.
This year, there was talk of a carrot-like approach: The Governor would agree to legislative pay raises if the budget was on time.
During his campaign for Governor, Jindal had pledged to prevent legislative pay raises that would take effect during the current term.
A third proposed eliminating legislative pay in the event of a state shutdown like the one that occurred in the summer of 2011.
During his first year in office, he authored legislation to lower legislative pay from $38,400 to $29,908.
As legislative pay has risen, however, more legislators are working full time.
The governor, however, has refused to approve legislative pay raises until lawmakers pass more of his agenda, including an overhaul of campaign finance laws.
To help balance the Washington State budget, Goodman voluntarily cut his own legislative pay.