He long ago gave up such sweeping legislative plans as health care overhaul.
Tobacco farmers, who were not included in the June proposal, are also lobbying for compensation under any legislative plan.
The legislative plan would provide about $950 million a year for the next four years to pay for roads, bridges and public transportation.
No legislative plans have currently been announced for a similar law in Northern Ireland.
Under the legislative plan, roughly $400 million more than the Governor proposed would be allocated for aid to the state's primary and secondary schools.
The legislative plan stipulates that no individual district would have its state aid cut by more than 20 percent.
But today's statement was the first sign that he was working on a legislative plan of his own.
In addition, the debate on other legislative plans will be made open.
The additional information about the fact that the Commission is evaluating certain legislative plans does not help in this respect.
The Commission also carries out public consultations on its legislative plans.