The Court, in turn, upheld the legislative prohibitions.
The proposed legislative prohibition, prepared by Senator Dennis DeConcini, Democrat of Arizona, would go further by outlawing five domestic and four foreign-made semiautomatic weapons.
That's why his views on abortion and homosexuality emphasize religious belief and personal responsibility rather than legislative prohibition.
For its part, the Reagan Administration has been chipping away at legislative prohibitions on police aid in recent years.
Second, annual legislative prohibitions on USDA's use of federal funds for inspecting horses impede USDA's ability to improve compliance with, and enforcement of, the transport regulation.
If the public were told that a new product society could live without had killed 40 people a year, there would be outrage and probably a legislative prohibition.
Still, there remains a lack of legislation at the federal level to specifically address cyberstalking, leaving the majority of legislative prohibitions against cyberstalking at the state level.
Although they did not seek any legislative prohibition, they originally characterized their proposal as a "ban".
"A legislative prohibition might prevent some future President from making a very constructive use of the N.S.C. staff."
The Union pursued a platform of "moral suasion" rather than legislative prohibition and received two papal commendations.