The bill then went to the Senate, where it died when the legislative term ended.
I wish you all every success in your work during the fifth legislative term.
We have the opportunity to conclude this report at first reading, that is, during the current legislative term.
At the same time, however, we do not want to turn down this opportunity to improve the situation for Europeans in legislative terms.
The following table reflect Committee chairs during the legislative term of 2012-2013.
He began working as a lobbyist in 1995, immediately after the end of his legislative term.
If it is not acted upon before the end of the current legislative term next January, the bill will die in committee.
This will take time, mind you, and we may not manage to approve them before the end of the legislative term.
She returned to her post as lecturer at the end of the legislative term in 1991.
This legislative term is, therefore, coming to a close with a mean trick played on European citizens.