Despite the political risks of raising taxes, legislators in the past year adopted $7.6 billion in tax increases, totaling 2.8 percent of state spending.
Oregon was the second state to adopt and did so in 1902, when the state's legislators adopted it by an overwhelming majority.
After New York State's legislators adopted their $90 billion budget this week, one leader lovingly called it a "miracle."
Some pharmaceutical companies set up "patients' groups" as front organizations that pressure healthcare providers and legislators to adopt their products.
If legislators do not adopt a full budget by the deadline, state workers will have to be furloughed a second time.
The legislators adopted the original law in July 2001 over Mr. Gaffney's veto.
In February, legislators adopted a resolution to have a short musical performance before each meeting, played by top student groups in the county.
Finally, legislators adopted, for the first time in state history, a rudimentary parole process.
He dismissed the possibility that the decision would encourage legislators to adopt unconstitutional search laws.
The rebels, speaking from the nation's highest political chamber, pressed legislators to adopt a constitutional amendment guaranteeing new rights for 10 million Indians.