The legislator made a statement in Parliament, which allowed the case to come to light.
If our legislators can't make us energy-independent, they can at least see that the lights stay on.
Many legislators clearly have made a commitment to vote for the agreement only if their votes become essential to the passage of the measure.
But once again, the state's voters could see for themselves how legislators make the choice between higher wages and a tax cut.
As a result, legislators made the clean water bill the first item of business in the 100th Congress.
But legislators also made drastic turns from some of the Governor's ideas.
And legislators can make needed corrections during the legislative process.
He said he considered the move the legislators are making to be courageous.
Typically administrators and legislators make decisions only after the conversation is well under way.
At the same time, legislators made no specific provisions for the official or legal status of the Spanish language.