In 1794 he expanded his educational efforts when the territorial legislature chartered Blount College, named for territorial governor William Blount.
The legislature initially chartered two universities, one in Seattle and one in Lewis County, but later repealed its decision in favor of a single university in Lewis County, provided locally donated land could be found.
The legislature of the Virgin Islands chartered the University of the Virgin Islands Research and Technology Park to help expand the technology segment of the islands' economy, encourage more businesses to operate on the islands, and foster technology research and activities at the university.
In January 1856, the territorial legislature chartered the Bank of Florence, which failed three years later.
In the next two years, the territorial legislature chartered the town company, organized the surrounding area as Saline County, and named Salina the county seat.
On April 13, 1825, the legislature chartered the Auburn and Port Byron Turnpike Company.
In 1921, the legislature chartered the first state public authority, the Port of New York Authority, as a new vehicle for financing public projects while insulating the state from long term debt obligations.
The legislature chartered a private corporation, the Crescent City Live-Stock Landing and Slaughter-House Company to run a "Grand Slaughterhouse" at the southern part of the city opposite of the Mississippi.
The territorial legislature chartered a University of Lawrence in 1859, but in the end, no private college was created in Lawrence.
In 1830 the legislature chartered three new railroads-the Boston and Lowell, the Boston and Providence, and most important of all, the Boston and Worcester.