Now the Legislature is proposing even more spending and tax cuts.
In interviews this week, though, some lawmakers said it was unlikely that the Legislature would propose extensive changes to the courts on its own.
In 2002, the legislature again proposed two amendments.
In 1910 the legislature proposed the Digges Amendment to the state constitution.
The Legislature has proposed putting the $6.9 million back into the budget for desegregation aid and phasing the program out over a two-year period.
The legislature first proposed to name the county Hardscabble County.
But 30 years ago, under pressure, the Legislature proposed - and voters approved - a 10-year exemption for sewers, which has been renewed twice.
The legislature should not propose a budget.
The Legislature can propose amendments that must then be approved by the voters, or it can vote to refer any possible changes to a convention.
The Legislature proposed an "independent budget office" appointed by the Legislature.